At this time of year all you need is presence not presents!

Another year has flown by and we may find ourselves caught up in the rush to get things done or ready. Often we can place enormous pressure on ourselves and others without realising it until we collapse sometime Christmas afternoon! 

Yoga is a reminder that even though things seem to be speeding up we can slow down. It is OK to take time out, to say no thanks and just spend time with the breath. Even a few minutes each day of sitting quietly and watching where you feel the breath, focusing in the movement of the body with the breath can make a great deal of difference with how we manage what is often referred to as the “silly season”.

I guess it gets this name because we can go a little “silly” trying to keep up with our own or others expectations but life is not really about keeping up it is about being present. If we are so busy rushing to get to everything, buy everything, see everyone, finish everything in those last few weeks of the year all we will remember is the rushing. We will miss the little pockets of joy that make Christmas special.

Take a moment to imagine yourself a child again and see it through the eyes of that child. The wonder of the warm summer evenings, the smell of a Christmas tree, the twinkling of Christmas lights, the taste of a few special treats, the closeness of friends and family. Forget about buying presents and offer your presence to others and be with the people you know and perhaps strangers in need of kindness. Be kind to yourself and take those few moments to be fully in your body and sit with your breath . Maybe even do a regular yoga nidra.

wishing you all a safe and restful festive season

Here is a little present presence for you Om Shanti

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