When a bad back is holding you back.

I hope you have all enjoyed a restful winter break and like me are feeling the stirrings of spring and a desire to get out in the garden! (at least for those of us in the southern hemisphere) Yoga can be so helpful in managing those sore backs that come from too much enthusiasm with the weeding and mulching! For some though, these problems are not just the result of enthusiastic gardening but much more chronic.

I have often heard people say “oh I can’t go to yoga because I have a bad back” and believe me I know what people mean when they say that they have a “bad back”. I have had back problems myself for the last 18 years which have been the result of disease processes. However far from this deterring me from practising yoga, I have found yoga to be a boon for helping me to cope with pain, improve flexibility, core strength and generally improve both my mood and the discomfort that structural damage to the back can cause.

The reason I think people are reluctant is that we get into “protective mode” where we fear that practising yoga may make things worse. I was lucky enough to have been practising yoga before my back injuries so I was keen to try to recover some of that once the acute phase of my injuries was over. This is the key really. If you are in the acute phase of any injury then the best course of action is rest and pain management but as soon as you feel you are able, a little bit of supported and gradual exercise will help to loosen the tight muscles around the damaged area, improve blood flow and generally make you feel better.

I run a class especially for people with lower back problems. Much of the class is floor work and concentrates on supporting the lower back by building core muscle strength. There are many modifications for most if not all the yoga postures and using supports like blocks, straps, folded blankets you can usually find a way to get the body comfortable in the chosen pose. There will be poses though that are not suitable or perhaps no longer suitable for your body and that is quite OK.

Remember yoga is not about the shape of your body but the shape of your life! Pain and feelings of inadequacy because you can no longer do certain things takes its toll on your sense of well being , your mental health, your relationships with others and this again is where yoga can help. The relaxation, meditation and breathing practices can be done in many different positions with as much support as you need to be comfortable. These practices will help you to deal with the stress of your changed circumstances and provide deep rest for your body and mind.

Of course you need to look carefully at the type of yoga class you are considering and seek the advice of your doctor or physiotherapist to help determine your readiness before starting. Make sure your yoga teacher understands your health issues and any anxiety you have around that. A good yoga teacher will listen and tune in to your needs. When practising poses let go of the desire for perfection and competition. It is more about where you are at and listening to your body. Learn to recognise the difference between the discomfort of stretching and any pain that is your body saying “no this is not right for me”. There is a real difference between compression ( this bone is hitting that bone ) and tension ( this muscle or ligament is tight)* See previous post March 2013

You may even want to experience a one on one class with your teacher first to make things easier for know where you are at before joining a group. So if you have been holding back because of your back perhaps it is time to give it a go!

2 responses to “When a bad back is holding you back.

  1. Hi Karen,
    We really appreciate your Yoga efforts but we have commitments for 3 of the next 4 Tuesdays. Mostly medical then last Tuesday in October a week away to Mildura and Broken Hill with my sister and husband. So looking forward to this after cows calving all winter.🤪 If 17th has floor space we would like a single session or will wait until November.
    Hopefully catch up
    Lyn & Howard

    Sent from my iPad

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